In a sea of blogs, we’re so happy that you’ve found us. We are the Holliday’s. We were formerly known as “The Hollidays at Home” blog, but have now changed our blog name to “The Holliday Collective.” The Holliday Collective combines a collection of home decor and lifestyle information all in one place. We are a family of four who loves sharing peeks into our daily lives with you. Most of the action happens in the comfort of our home. Work, play, and pure family craziness all happens here. We hope that you can relate to us a family, but also as individuals. Some topics that we frequently write about include home projects, product and service reviews, business, and family life. This blog will be more of a collaboration from our family and we hope to cover more of the topics you love.
About Crystal
“The Holliday Collective” is actually not my first blog. I actually started a beauty and health blog called Beautiful|IQ not that long after Brandon and I got married. It was probably about 2007/2008. My early-adopters (family and friends) may remember that blog. At the time, I wasn’t completely passionate about beauty but I knew that I should have a blog. I knew that’s where the internet was headed and I wanted to be apart of it. I did a few guest posts for a beauty blog but something was still missing. Needless to say, I didn’t keep up my writing with Beautiful|IQ. However, I learned a good lesson in blogging. The lesson is that you should write about what truly inspires you. Your readers will connect the most with you if you are authentic…real. This is real life after all.
Fast-forward about 2 years and we had our first child in 2010.We decided shortly after that it was time to buy our first home. So, in the summer of 2011, we bought our first home. Buying a home definitely spiked an interest in blogging again. So, in late 2012, I started The Holliday’s at Home. The main purpose of The Holliday’s at Home blog was to document different DIY projects and home happenings with our family and friends. With time, I’ve found my writing tone and what topics really excite me. Also, I’ve seen my family share different ideas and thoughts that should be shared on the blog. So, I’ve worked closely with Brandon to turn this writing passion into a lifestyle blog. If I’m inspired to write a sentimental post, I hope that you’ll stay around to read it. If we share a tutorial, I hope that you’ll give it a shot. If we decide to share a recipe or fashion tips, then we hope you’ll cook and laugh along with us.
I actually enjoy living in southern Louisiana, drink a toxic amount of coffee on a daily basis, and enjoying talking about new business ideas. If Brandon and I would write down all of the ideas we’ve had, well, you would think we are crazy. Occasionally, I leave my family by theirselves, so I can enjoy Target all to myself. And if you’re just getting to know me, I love old stuff – rusty, chippy, dusty old stuff. Did I mention I love cooking? It’s one of my favorite pastimes.
About the Family…
Brandon is web and software developer by day and a fun-loving Dad all in between. Working from home doing what he loves is very satisfying but poses it’s challenges. Yet, he handles it all with grace and lots of laughter. It’s pretty much his mission to make you smile or laugh. You’d know that if you met him.
If anything drastic need to be developed for Holliday.Co, then he’s the guys that’s in charge. He’s our “in-house” web-developer…literally. Expect tech and business posts from him.
Our daughter and son are the heart of our home. That’s really all you need to know about them.