As I’ve been contemplating how to change up the living room mantel for spring, it occurred to me that I never shared the current set-up. Ha! Believe that! I never shared my fall/winter mantel with you. So, now that the mantel is clear and ready for updating, I figured it would be the perfect time to share what it looked like before. Kind of like a “before” before the “after”. Got it? It’s nothing spectacular but we really enjoyed it.
The colors that were incorporated were what I was aiming for, but overall, I still feel like something was missing. For spring, my plans are to have the perfect living room mantel! You will see some of the same colors again, like that pretty duck egg blue, and touches of green. All the fall decor has come down and we’ve started patching any damage to the wall. I’ve even started laying out different decor options. I’d like to use what I have on hand to complete this project, and hope to have it finished by the end of the week. So stick around, to see how it turns out. Catch behind the scenes action, by following me on Instagram.
Have you started decorating for spring, inside or outside? How do you prepare your home for spring? I love to respond to your comments, so don’t be shy.